10 Simple Ways to Decrease Inflation Stress

Mental Health News Tips Inflation Stress 3 min read , November 7, 2022

Stress is always hard to deal with, and financial stress is one of the worst types of stress we can experience. That’s because it goes right to our survival fears. We wonder if we can keep our family and ourselves out of trouble.

The economy is not doing very well these days. Inflation is going through the roof. Canada could be on the verge of a recession. That’s because it goes right to our survival fears. We wonder if we can keep our family and ourselves out of trouble.

When we are under significant financial stress, it can affect our mood, our sleep, and our relationships. We can become more irritable, more impatient, and less tolerant of others. We can turn to addictions to soothe and distract ourselves from our money worries.

It doesn’t look like the economy is going to get much better any time soon, so, I’d like to offer 10 tips for dealing with stress during these difficult financial times. Most of them don’t cost anything, and those that do – like arts and crafts – can be supplied by the dollar store.

person holding a jar with coins labelled savings
Photographer: Towfiqu barbhuiya | Source: Unsplash

10 Simple Ways to Decrease Inflation Stress:

1. Be kind to yourself if you’re feeling stressed out these days. Instead of criticizing yourself for snapping at your children, for example, or for eating too much junk food, recognize that these are signs of stress and that you need to start dealing with it head-on.

2. Think about all the things that are stressing you out these days and see if you can let go of some of them. With all the financial stress you’re experiencing, you don’t need to be burdened as well by toxic frenemies, abusive relatives or overly-expensive hobbies. What stressors can you cut out of your life, right now?

3. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people. They might not be able to help you financially, but knowing that they have your back will decrease your general level of stress.

4. Carve out time to decompress. Meditate, go for walks in nature, do some deep breathing, and practice your faith. All of these things will lower your stress levels considerably.

5. Express yourself through creativity. Whether through drawing, painting, writing, crafting or any other form of creative expression, you’ll feel less stressed just by doing these activities.

6. Talk to people about how you feel. You might be fine just talking to friends or family members but it’s also okay to speak to a professional if discussing things with your loved ones isn’t doing the trick.

7. Move your body. Whether you’re exercising, playing sports, practicing yoga or going dancing, the physical release you get through movement will also help you to release your stress.

8. Sometimes you just need to have a good cry. There’s nothing embarrassing about letting out your frustration or your fears through the release of tears. It’s scary and upsetting to have money trouble and sometimes having a good cry can make you feel like a weight has been lifted.

9. Practice constructive self-soothing. You might be tempted to overeat, drink too much, or indulge in other compulsive behaviours these days, but know that these don’t really help. What will help is compassionate self-talk, silencing the inner critic, and doing things like lighting candles and taking a bubble bath or exchanging a gentle massage with your partner.

10. When you’re feeling helpless and overwhelmed it can seem like there are no solutions to your problems. But, when you do all the above steps, it can put you in the right frame of mind to brainstorm creative solutions to your current financial difficulties and possibly reduce your stress just a little bit more.


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Stress Inflation News Coping